August 20, 2020

Young people want to be older to experience things hey cant as a kid and older people want to be younger to not have responsibilities. I think that younger people want to become older because they always hear the phrase when your bigger or when your older you can. Also even the if a younger persons were to consider themselves older the law doesn't recognize them as adults unless it benefits the government. Which also would probably trigger their rebellious side of themselves and want to try the things that they are not supposed to or meant to like drugs, alcohol, etc. Meanwhile older people who have experience and have dealt with many hardships probably would like to go back to a more simpler time. When they didn't have to worry about bills, or whether or not they would be able to have a full meal with their family. Also older people might want to be younger again to not have a care in the world be able to go to sleep at what ever time they wanted to or eat whatever they wanted to and not have to worry if it will wreck their body the next morning. Also being able to go back to be a kid would give them one last chance to see someone who passed away whether it be a friend or family member. That's why I think that younger people want to be older and older people want to be younger again.

September 21, 2020

Being a desk would feel different since your not being used and would have to be taken out everyday when students would be in school. Being a desk would suck also because you cant move or do anything someone has to move you from place to place. Also right now during the pandemic and stuff would suck sine your most likely not even being used and are probably all dusty and cover with spiderwebs or something. But since your a desk you cant do anything but just leave all that stuff on you. Not having students around or staff means that you would get lonely and bored being with the same other objects in the room all day until school starts up again. You might see the occasional spider or bug go across the wall or floor and end up basically being lonely. 

September 25, 2020

I think you should take our time when spending time with your family, time with friends and your high school experience because you only get one of all of those. Like your family you may take them for granted and have both parents when some people only have one or worse none. Your friends are important also but not as much as your family in my opinion because friends come and go but you might be able to find a diamond in the rough and find a friend that is so close you basically become family. Also your high school experience you should slow down and enjoy it because for some people this will be the last time they have free time, can hang out with friends, and met new people. So enjoy them before they're gone because you only got one life so you got to make it count.


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