
Showing posts from October, 2020


 October 8, 2020 My obituary would probably say that I was a chill laid back person who was also trying to see the best in everyone even in my enemies. I was an all around good person to know, never really caused problems and was mindful. I would usually keep to myself and would help out those who needed it. It would also say that I was a hard outer shell type person that was nice and funny once you got to know myself.  October 9, 2020 Someone who is important to me is my mom. She is important to me because she is always there for me when I need her she is always there to support me when ever I need her support in anything that I do. I think that all of her kids are important to her because she is always interacting with is and doing stuff with us and for us. She really tries her hardest to understand us all in our own way and has a specific way of showing it to all of us. She doesn't just try to give the same attention and affection to each of her 5 kids she adjust accordingly. Al


 August 20, 2020 Young people want to be older to experience things hey cant as a kid and older people want to be younger to not have responsibilities. I think that younger people want to become older because they always hear the phrase when your bigger or when your older you can. Also even the if a younger persons were to consider themselves older the law doesn't recognize them as adults unless it benefits the government. Which also would probably trigger their rebellious side of themselves and want to try the things that they are not supposed to or meant to like drugs, alcohol, etc. Meanwhile older people who have experience and have dealt with many hardships probably would like to go back to a more simpler time. When they didn't have to worry about bills, or whether or not they would be able to have a full meal with their family. Also older people might want to be younger again to not have a care in the world be able to go to sleep at what ever time they wanted to or eat wha

How i Read: The pedestrian

 A. I like the message of the story of how something so simple could seem uncommon to someone else. Like how the character we are following was taking a walk and ended up getting arrested because he was walking. B. Using the time that it takes place in, the atmosphere of the story, and the paranoia that he gives the main character from noticing unusual things happening. 

Pedestrian first Impressions

      My first impressions on this story is how the character we are following is or are in the perspective of is taking a walk. He then starts to realize weird little things going on around him and starts to think of thinks of how unusual it seems to be. He also then gets pulled over by a cop and gets asked questions that seem unusal. He is then puzzled at the end when he gets taken to his house by the cops.

How we read

Read a book you love seek to better understand the books you don't love Reconsider how you define the word read  Stop looking for the answers on the page and start developing the expertise and the confidence that will enable you to find them in yourselves

MSS Part 2

1. A sign and symbol are similar because a sign is something that you see or hear and a symbol is something that you can see or see physically 2. Symbol, Referent and perception and thought of the interpreter  3. A word a symbol because someone's name is a symbol that mean them  4. A tree fallen over which means that a tree has most likely gotten to heavy and fell over due to its weight. 5. A stop sign on the street. The referent or idea is that your suppose to stop when driving when you see this on the road.  I know what it means because everyone who dives has agreed that when you see red you're suppose to stop so when you see a stop sign your also suppose to stop.

YGB Plot

 The plot of Young Goodman brown is about a man who is a simple man who is trying to get home by going through the woods. He then encounters the devil who claims he is an old friend. Inside the woods he also sees all the towns people and his wife but everyone is like a alternative version of themselves including Goodman's wife. He wakes up in the town and everything looks normal not like how it was in the woods but Goodman goes on to live uneasy and skeptical of what he saw in the woods.