Giving up any right to our own option can save our lives because if you listen to the side of an option can help improve our country, giving up rights can also secure the future for the next generation by helping to see what can be improved from prior experience, and it can save our lives by not being so stubborn.
    Giving up rights to our own opinion can improve our country because when we stop thinking one person or one side knows everything we can see both points of view. When we see both point of view we can then see what would actually help the country the most and help make the country improve because ow we don't think one group of people are correct or wrong we can see what is going to be the most beneficial for the country.
    This lead to the next reasoning why giving up right to our own opinion and how it can secure the future for the next generation. If people were stop thinking one person or a certain way is the nest thing to do for the country we'll see what works best for the country. Once we do this the future generation will know what makes the country better and what makes it worse from prior experiences. This in tun will en up securing the future for the net generation and making the future generation better and more progressive because instead of arguing they can choose what make the country become better and stick to that ideology.
    Finally, giving up any right to our own opinion can save our lives because if were less stubborn then we will be able to get help from people and not take it as criticism and instead take the information in and adjust to what  we can do to improve ourselves. Being less stubborn as a person will also help save our lives because one person doesn't know everything so not everyone has all the answer to everything which means that if we were to take information from others we would become more inteligent and strong as human beings. Which leads back to the first reasoning if we stop being stubborn we can take information from both sides of an argument and improve the country.
    In conclusion, if we were able to give up any amount of right to our own opinion we could improve the country by making more rational decisions instead of biased choices, help secure the future for the next generation by trying things that might or might not help the country and they can have a path way started to what is helping the county and what isn't, and being less stubborn will help us to learn more as a person since we don't think our opinion is always right.


  1. Powerful ideas here - thanks for sharing. The way you transition from paragraph to paragraph makes your ideas easy to follow. I look forward to reading more!


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