Giving up any right to our own option can save our lives because if you listen to the side of an option can help improve our country, giving up rights can also secure the future for the next generation by helping to see what can be improved from prior experience, and it can save our lives by not being so stubborn. Giving up rights to our own opinion can improve our country because when we stop thinking one person or one side knows everything we can see both points of view. When we see both point of view we can then see what would actually help the country the most and help make the country improve because ow we don't think one group of people are correct or wrong we can see what is going to be the most beneficial for the country. This lead to the next reasoning why giving up right to our own opinion and how it can secure the future for the next generation. If people were stop thinking one person or a certa...
October 8, 2020 My obituary would probably say that I was a chill laid back person who was also trying to see the best in everyone even in my enemies. I was an all around good person to know, never really caused problems and was mindful. I would usually keep to myself and would help out those who needed it. It would also say that I was a hard outer shell type person that was nice and funny once you got to know myself. October 9, 2020 Someone who is important to me is my mom. She is important to me because she is always there for me when I need her she is always there to support me when ever I need her support in anything that I do. I think that all of her kids are important to her because she is always interacting with is and doing stuff with us and for us. She really tries her hardest to understand us all in our own way and has a specific way of showing it to all of us. She doesn't just try to give the same attention and affection to each of her 5 kids she adjust accordingl...
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